Weekly Post’s

The In’s and Out’s of Bermuda Grass

This week we are going to take a different view of the most important characteristic of the golf course; the grass. All golf course architects design their courses around the type of grass they are going to use. This week we are going to take a look a very popular grass for some of the…

Golf Course Architecture: Tom Doak

After discussing the legend of George Crump, who designed one of the worlds hardest and most challenging golf courses, this week were going to turn the page to another designer by the name of Tom Doak. Mr. Doak is a famous golf course architect who has six courses ranked among the top 100 golf courses…

Golf Course Architecture: George Crump

After detailing the features of a Pete Dye golf course last week in my YouTube video, this week I am going to discuss yet another legend in golf course architecture; George Arthur Crump. He is most famously known for his designing and building of Pine Valley, one of the most difficult golf courses in the…

Golf Course Designers: Stanley Thompson

After discussing two of golf’s greatest architects ever, this week I am going to introduce to you yet another famous architect, who grew to his fame across the border in Canada. Stanley Thompson is considered a legend in Canada for his architectural designs. He grew up quite a talented amateur golfer and later in life…

Golf Course Architectures: Jack Nicklaus

Last week we dove into our first discussion about the actual golf course designers themselves, starting with the late legend Pete Dye. This week we are going to move onto a living legend who’s nickname is “The Golden Bear,” Jack Nicklaus. Nicklaus is one of the most decorated golfers to ever play the game, as…

Golf Course Designers: Pete Dye

Last week we concluded our discussion about the different styles of golf course architecture, so now are we going to dive in and talk about some of the history of these designers. Golf course architectures all have certain styles and characteristics about their design process, which makes each and everyone of them so unique. The…

Sandbelt Style Golf Course

This week we are onto our fourth style of golf course architecture known as a “Sandbelt” course. This style of course is much different than the three previous architectural designs I’ve talked about and it is also located in a all the way across the globe in Australia, a region not previously discussed. So, let’s…

Heathland Golf Courses

After taking you through the two most popular kinds of golf course architecture the past two weeks, parkland and links style, this week we are going to stay across the pond in Europe and discuss a more low-key kind of golf course known as “Heathland” style. The reason I mention that were staying across is…

Links Golf Course

Last week I wrote a blog about Parkland golf courses which is one of the most common type of golf courses in North America. This is your typical treelined golf course located inland and away from any ocean or body of water. This week I am going to flip the spectrum and introduce you to…


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